Sunday, June 26, 2016


  I just experienced what some would call an "epiphany". It was fascinating, and surprising. I came inside from walking with the babies, and I sat down with my catfish and organic fries and was listening to the Band Of Horses Live at Nudie Jeans 2014 recording on YouTube. Some of the songs they played were what would be called sad songs by most. Melancholy at best. Anyhow, I was thoroughly enjoying being inside in the A/C and my food was remarkably good, as it usually is (I spent many years honing my craft and I am obsessive about quality and attention to detail), and it suddenly occurred to me that I was experiencing this music in a way I never had in my life.

   This is the interesting part. These songs, by nature, are written to express something the writer has experienced, usually, and they seem to elicit a similar response in the listener most of the time -when they are really well-done. Yeah? You with me? Anyhow, I have (mostly)always either been "in love" or "feeling bad-about-some-failed-love", and thus I either listened only to "happy" music or "sad" music.

   Just now, however, I suddenly found myself experiencing a very new response to this "sad" music. For the first time, I heard the song. Just the song. I heard what HE was feeling, and I heard the lyrics, and the instruments, and the art of it. I had no emotional response whatsoever, other than a rational appreciation for the poetry of the song. I am neither "in love" with someone, nor mourning the loss of someone. I am merely alive and well, and pretty happy. It is utterly fascinating to me. I am truly amazed.

   I guess I passed an important mile-marker in my growth as a human today. Yay!