Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Stupid knowledge!

Ignorance is bliss. That's what they say. I can tell you for a fact - that is usually true. I was once really smart. I mean super-smart. I never, ever stopped thinking, even when asleep. I was always stressed, and always making everyone crazy with all of my thinking, and talking, and questions, etc. Then I got a few traumatic brain injuries, went through an accelerated program of relationship-training, and tried real hard to be rough on myself in general for a few years. Now, I'm slightly less smart, a whole lot less sharp, and my memory is pretty much ruined. Am I happier? I certainly am.

  Well, I was. Everything was going just fine, until I decided to write a blog. At first, I thought to myself: "How hard could it be? It's simple, right?". Then, I decided to do what I always do - I would learn everything there is to know about writing a blog. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for me. Yeah, right. As it turns out, there is a LOT to know about writing a blog! Arrrrrgh! I currently have about 30 tabs open in my Firefox pertaining to blog-writing (plus another 40 or 50 for other things, mostly wikipedia). It seems that I am doing it all wrong. I can't continue writing my blog this way! I have to go back to the very beginning and start all over! Crikey!

  So, here I am. What, now? I guess I have to design and build a whole new blog, while continuing to write in this one. Also, I have to do all of the other things that I have to do, such as: get my car inspected, dress myself, make stupid food, shave, answer my phone, and all the other tedious, seemingly unimportant nagging chores I have to live with. I also have to be awesome for Beth, try to pretend I like people when I go to the store, Be funny on facebook, and convince my kids that I'm not the worst daddy ever. It's a lot of hard work, doing all of these things that require thinking. Oh - I'm also continuously learning languages, science stuff, stock-trading, medicine, dentistry, *astrology, metallurgy, geology, and 20 other useless, random things. On top of all that stuff, I'm trying to plan our world tour.

  What ever happened to my big plan to simplify my life? I guess I'm gonna need another traumatic brain injury. This cognitive-function recovery is getting out of hand!

 *Exploring scientific validity

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